The main goal of the article is to compare the effective radiation doses received by the leading interventional cardiologist during the angiographic procedures. A comparison is done between the dose load during three procedures— LAD-stenting, LCx-stenting and RCA-stenting. An angiographic X-ray system Philips Allura Xper FD10 (with G-arm) was used for this study. The dose obtained was measured with an X-ray-Gamma Dosimeter 27091. The dose measurements were made for the respective projections of each angiographic procedure and for the operation modes of the equipment used during the respective procedure at three measurement points on the operator’s body—head, gonads and feet. The results obtained from the calculations, based on the measured dose values, show maximum dose load in the procedure that uses the radiographic mode of operation for the longest time, namely RCA-stenting.